Meet Our Team

Carol Anne Hilton

Founder & CEO

Linda Tembo

Operations Manager

Kurt Archer

Event Coordinator

Sandra Nymau

Sandra Nyamu

Marketing & Social Media Coordinator

Kiran Pillay

Kiran Pillay

Research & Data Mapping Intern

Natasha Marshall

Business Manager

Jayson Williams

Jayson Williams

International Relations Associate

Our Board

Jonathan Fleury

Alisha Murphy

Carrie Stoddart Smith

Our Advisors

Robin McLay headshot photo

Robin McLay

Pravin Pillay

Chitinthi Tembo

Sage Lacerte

Indigenomics Host 

Jacqueline Quinless

Jennifer Dolynchuk

Indigenomics NOW Strategic Event Advisor 

Justin Holness

Indigenomics Host 


- CEO and Founder of the Indigenomics Institute -

As the world converges on an economic identity crisis of its own making, the inclusion and re-valuing of Indigenous worldview and knowledge in economy and business is paramount.